La Finn Gold Cup aura lieu en novembre prochain à Takapuna en Nouvelle Zélande.
Les éventuels candidats à une participation doivent signaler leur intention à l’IFA France.
Ci-dessous l’email du comité d’organisation néozélandais :
e : David Hoogenboom []
Envoyé : vendredi 10 avril 2015 00:22
À :
Objet : 2015 Finn Gold Cup Online Entry Portal is Now Open
This is to advise the Online Entry Portal for the 2015 Finn Gold Cup to be held in Takapuna Auckland New Zealand in November 2015 is now open.
Can you send a notification out to your members requesting they register on the website please.
Please note.
1. All Gold Cup entries are subject to your Country Selection Criteria
2. The number of Gold Cup entries received for your country is dependent on your IFA Quota Allocation.
3. The Pre-Worlds event is an open event. Your members not eligible to sail in the Gold Cup may wish to attend and compete in this event (dependent on Charter Boat availability) and then stay to watch the Gold Cup.
4. Charter Boat requests can be registered at the same time.
Any questions please contact me.
David Hoogenboom
NZFA Treasurer
Lien vers le site du club :